To see the things that I loved last month, then continue reading!
(November Favs video will be uploaded on Monday)
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Before I moved away from England when I was just turning 11 years old, I had never gotten the chance to see McFly in concert (if you aren't aware who McFly are you should google them - a 'boy band' who have substance and actually play their own instruments!). Whilst living in Singapore they actually toured Australia but never came over here. I actually wrote them a letter on their official website asking them to come to Singapore but they never did. GUESS WHAT? McFly and Busted (another band around the same time McFly started) are joining up and doing a huge reunion tour throughout the UK. I asked my cousin Emma if she was going and if she was, could she get me a ticket so we could go together - SHE GOT TICKETS. They were literally selling out in seconds of being available. So I'm so thankful for Emma's perseverance!
In May 2014, I will be going to see McBusted in Manchester. My whole pre-teen and teenage years I wanted to go see them and I'll be going just after my 20th birthday - a perfect end to that part of my life I think :D
This is a screen shot from my Tumblr page. I. freaking. love. it. I had a friend in high school who would always be on Tumblr and I never really saw the appeal. I mostly saw pictures of depressing quotes and scars of people cutting themselves. Depressing things that I don't think make you cool or should share on social media and definitely I don't want to see everyday. I'm not saying that I hate you if you do that - don't get me wrong. You can post and write and reblog anything you like. It just upsets me to see it.
I find that a persons Tumblr is extremely personal and unique. I only reblog things that I like and that I believe in and I really enjoy it. If you want to check out my Tumblr, the click the social media button on the top right-hand side of my blog, you may learn some new things about me!
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I love watching TV, I am a TV nerd. In November, one of my favourite shows EVER, started up again called I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here!
It is a English TV show hosted by the lovely Ant & Dec, where a group of celebrities go into the Australian Outback for a couple of weeks and have to do challenges and it is just awesome. I've watched every single season so far - this being the 13th. I really love Joey Essex from TOWIE, I cannot stand the bitchiness and unnecessary hate towards Amy from Lucy, Mo, Annabel and Matthew (literally makes me so angry!).
Most of all and most importantly, I love Kian. KIAN TO WIN!
I've never worn a sweatshirt in my life until recently buying a few to pack for England. Now I have about 6. They are so comfortable and also so darn cute! These are a few of my favourites I picked to show you guys. The top two are actual Disney merch from CottonOn, I can't find them on the site anymore so you might want to check in store if you really want them. The Rolling Stones one is from Forever21 and should still be in store, I picked mine up from the F21 in Orchard Exchange.
If you enter by Popeyes and turn right it was right there at the entrance. I saw a few other band sweatshirts in there also but one of my pet peeves is when people wear band shirts and have no idea about the band - they just wear it because it is cool. I love tRS, my favourite song is Under My Thumb - what's your favourite rolling stones song if you listen to them?
Although I do not celebrate it, November was also thanksgiving. A huge thing that I am thankful for is my uncle's surgery going smoothly. He suffered from severe chronic neck pain for a long time and decided to have a surgery to fix the problem. For them to reach the nerves in his spine, the doctors had to enter through his throat. There was only a 60% chance it would work, he could have been left paralysed and/or lost his voice. I was so nervous. Luckily I have amazing friends who comforted me and family who support each other. Everybody has the one relative who is so loud and is known within your family for being their boisterous, crazy selves. That is my uncle.
Thankfully everything went smoothly, and he is in recovery now for another 5 weeks or so!
Lastly, December not only means Christmas which is my favourite time of the year, but it also means that it is under 6 weeks until we leave Singapore and move back to England! Time is flying by!
December can be a very stressful time for most people, so stay calm and stay safe everyone.
Thanks for stopping by, let me know your favourite things of November below!
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